Japan's Forgotten God
Scrolling down, you will find a draft of an eight page, 3x5" tract.
Your feedback is welcome, indeed vital. If you wish to comment, please CLICK THIS LINK to get to the google doc. There, you can add in comments by putting your cursor on the text you want to comment on, then right click and choose "+Comment"

7 Reasons to Return to Him Now

Jesus doesn’t want you to join a cult or religion, He wants to have a one-on-one relationship. You will not stick out and be hammered down, because you will pursue faith privately; your faith is yours, deep in your honne. Relationships take effort, but He promises that if you take steps to get closer to Him, He will take steps to get closer to you.
It’s your move. To learn more, scan to the website or email the person below.
This Freedom is Amazing! If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31